Call Touches

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What are some tips for center back position?

Call Touches

As center fielder and air traffic controller, you'll want to call touches when you see them, too. And call them LOUD, so everyone can hear you, especially if your crowd noise is deafening. It's all part of using your view to help your team win.

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4/29/2007 6:59:39 AM
Sue said:

I have been coaching for 23 years and I still go back and forth on this. On the one hand I agree that calling touches helps your teammates stay with the play, but on the other hand, I have seen refs and line judges miss touches and only call them because they heard a kid yell it out. It can work for or against you in that situation. I tell my players not to call it and my defense knows they need to follow the play and be aware at all times. It has worked pretty well.


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