Tougher, Smarter Backrow Players

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Do you have a good team defense drill?

Tougher, Smarter Backrow Players

Here's a good drill I picked up from Victor Lindal, former coach of the Canadian National Team:

It involves playing a game, but only using 5 players, and no center fronts. Have your outside blockers block only as they would if there were a CF, don't try to cover the hole created by the lack of a second blocker.

The purpose of this game is to help backrow players learn to read hitters' eyes, body language, approach, and armswing, as well as reading the sets themselves.

Having no CF allows plenty of 1-on-1 hits, making the backrow have to read that much better in order to pop hits back up.

It's helped our defense immensely, and I'd recommend this drill to anyone wanting to develop tougher, smarter backrow players.

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